What Is Transverse Myelitis?

Transverse Myelitis is an inflammation of the spinal cord that damages myelin, the protective covering of nerve fibers. When nerve fibers are damaged, the transmissions of nerve signals to the brain are disrupted, which can cause pain or other sensory problems, weakness or paralysis of muscles, and/or bladder and bowel dysfunction.

The term myelitis refers to inflammation of the spinal cord; transverse simply describes the position of the inflammation, that is, across the width of the spinal cord. However, the term transverse may be misleading, as there is not always complete anatomical damage across the cord, but rather focal inflammation that may produce asymmetric spinal cord dysfunction below the area affected while function above a specific area of the spine remains normal. If you have been diagnosed with transverse myelitis and believe it is the result of a vaccine, contact vaccine inflammatory disease claim lawyer to obtain the legal guidance you need.

Signs and Symptoms of Transverse Myelitis Resulting from a Vaccination

The nerve cells in our spinal cords are covered in an insulating substance, called myelin. When a person contracts transverse myelitis, inflammation damages or destroys the myelin, leading to scarring of the nervous system. This, in turn, disrupts communication between the nerves in the spinal cord and the rest of the body, which can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Bladder and bowel disjunction
  • Numbness, tingling, coldness, burning and other sensations
  • Pain, often radiating from the neck or back
  • Weakness in the arms and legs

Individuals of all ages who get vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, MMR, and flu vaccines are equally at risk for contracting this potentially life-changing inflammatory response.

Risks Associated with Vaccine-Related Transverse Myelitis

In severe cases, individuals who contract transverse myelitis from a vaccine can become paralyzed below the site of the inflammation in the spinal cord. As a result, the Mayo Clinic recommends that anyone experiencing symptoms of transverse myelitis treat their situation as a medical emergency. In addition, due to the generality of the symptoms of transverse myelitis, there is a risk that patients’ conditions may be misdiagnosed as a spinal cord stroke, vascular myelopathy or other conditions for which the treatment differs from that for transverse myelitis.

Is Transverse Myelitis Caused By Vaccines?

The exact cause of transverse myelitis is unknown. In some cases, no cause can be found. Yet, vaccinations for infectious diseases — including hepatitis Bmeasles-mumps-rubella (MMR), and diphtheria-tetanus vaccines — have occasionally been implicated as a possible trigger of transverse myelitis.

Treatment for transverse myelitis includes anti-inflammatory drugs, medications to manage symptoms and rehabilitative therapy. Most people with transverse myelitis recover at least partially, but some people with severe attacks are left with major disabilities.

If you were diagnosed with transverse myelitis, and you believe it to be caused by a vaccine, you may be eligible for compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a government-run program that compensates people who have been injured by certain vaccines. In many cases, evidence that the vaccine caused the injury, illustrating a causal connection, must be presented. Depending on the specific facts of the vaccine case, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program can also deny compensation for vaccine claims depending on the specific facts.  Ultimately, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, also known as Vaccine Court, determines the specific compensation amount.

Seeking Compensation for Transverse Myelitis after a Vaccine Injury

If you believe you or a loved one is suffering from transverse myelitis as a result of a vaccine, contact a vaccine inflammatory disease claim lawyer to seek compensation now, as time limits apply. To be eligible for compensation for your vaccine injury, claims must be filed within the following periods:

  • For injury claims, within 3 years after the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of the significant aggravation of the injury.
  • For death claims, within 2 years of the death and within 4 years of the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of the significant aggravation of the injury from which the death resulted.

In special circumstances, the Courts may extend these deadlines, but it’s always wise to file a claim as soon as possible to ensure the best possible chance of recovering compensation for your vaccine injury.

Though it’s not necessary to have a lawyer when you file a claim with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, most people choose to have a vaccine lawyer assist them since this is a legal process. If certain minimal requirements are met, the VICP will pay your vaccine lawyer’s fees and other legal costs related to your claim, regardless of whether or not you are paid for a vaccine injury or death. However, the VICP will not pay the fees of petitioners who represent themselves, but may pay their other legal costs whether or not the claim is paid as long as it meets certain requirements.

Hiring an Experienced Vaccine Attorney to Assist With Your Transverse Myelitis Claim

Washington, DC-based vaccine attorney Leah Durant has the experience and skill required to help clients through their VICP claims, which are an alternative to the traditional tort law system. Equipping yourself with a vaccine inflammatory disease claim lawyer who has a comprehensive knowledge of transverse myelitis-related claims is a way to ensure your claim is in full legal compliance with the VICP system requirements.

Leah Durant has dedicated her legal career to helping people across the country who have been injured by vaccines get the compensation they deserve. Contact The Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates today for a free, no obligation consultation.