Vaccines on trial: U.S. court separates fact from fiction
Leah Durant was cleaning the unfinished basement of her home in Falls Church, Virginia, one day in October 2010 when she scraped her hand on a rusty nail.
Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates: Sweeping Changes to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Make It Easier for Individuals to Obtain Monetary Compensation for Vaccine-Related Injuries
Americans receive millions of doses of the flu vaccine every year. Many millions of other vaccines are also administered to adults and children including vaccines that protect from diseases such as tetanus, mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, polio, HPV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, varicella, pneumonia, and many more. While the majority of vaccines are safe, a small percentage of people are injured by vaccines every year.
Experienced vaccine attorney Leah Durant Obtains $253,000.00 Settlement for Case of Guillain-Barre Resulting from Flu Shot
Every year, millions of Americans ward off sickness and disease by receiving the flu vaccine. In rare cases, however, some individuals can experience adverse reactions or injury that results from vaccination.
Narcolepsy Cases Linked to Flu Vaccine Subject to New Compensation Dispute
Government attorneys are attempting to block compensation benefits to individuals who developed narcolepsy as a result of a defective swine flu vaccine. The vaccine was administered to millions of people in Europe and the UK before being taken off the market.
Injury from a Flu Shot Could Mean Compensation
Not all vaccine injuries are from the vaccine itself. Since 2011, the government has paid about $18 million to 112 victims of “SIRVA,” or “shoulder injury related to vaccine administration.” Such claims are settled by The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
Vaccine Injury Payouts Rise
A government fund set up to pay individuals injured by vaccinations recently awarded over $2.5 million to three individuals who claimed damages from flu shots. The injuries were caused not by the vaccine, but by the administration of the shots.
New Ebola Vaccine Shows Promise
After the devastating Ebola outbreak of 2014, researchers across the globe set out to develop a vaccination that could stop the spread of the deadly virus. One, which is currently being studied and developed by pharmaceutical giant Merck, shows a great deal of promise after a successful trial in Guinea between April and July.
Vaccine Injury Funds Climbs, Patients Struggle to Get Payment
Mother of young girl severely injured by HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is facing an uphill battle in receiving compensation.
Blood Pressure Vaccine Under Development
Researchers are working toward a vaccine for hypertension that might have patients receiving a shot every six months rather than taking daily medication.
Needle-Free Measles Vaccine Being Developed
Microneedle technology allows vaccines to be administered by small, stick-on patches. Scientists are hoping the patches can also be developed for other diseases.