Contact an Attorney If You Develop Bell’s Palsy After a Vaccine.

Bell’s Palsy is a rare condition that has been linked to certain vaccines recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Individuals who are experiencing symptoms of Bell’s Palsy after a vaccine should see a doctor promptly, and those who receive a diagnosis of Bell’s Palsy should consult with a vaccine injury lawyer to learn more about the process of filing a claim for monetary compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

The Symptoms and Effects of Bell’s Palsy

Unlike many other types of vaccine-related injuries, Bell’s Palsy has a very specific set of symptoms. Anyone who is experiencing the following symptoms after receiving an immunization should seek a diagnosis and treatment immediately:

  • Weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face
  • Drooping of one side of the face
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste
  • Increased sensitivity to sound

The symptoms of Bell’s Palsy often begin gradually and worsen over the course of 48 hours. While Bell’s Palsy is treatable, individuals diagnosed with the condition may experience symptoms for months or years. Seeing a doctor as soon as possible can reduce the risk of a long or delayed recovery.

Understanding the Link Between Bell’s Palsy and Vaccines

Although doctors still don’t know exactly why, studies suggest that Bell’s Palsy can result from certain types of vaccinations. To date, cases of Bell’s Palsy have been linked to the following vaccines:

Bell’s Palsy is often associated with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS has been linked to the tetanus and influenza vaccines in a small percentage of cases.

As of late 2021, the CDC is monitoring the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for a possible link to Bell’s Palsy. Some individuals who participated in clinical trials for the vaccine reported experiencing Bell’s Palsy after receiving the shot. However, to date, a link between the COVID-19 vaccine and Bell’s Palsy has not been scientifically established.

Understanding Your Legal Rights for Bell’s Palsy After a Vaccine

Individuals who are diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy following a meningococcal, hepatitis B, influenza, HPV or tetanus vaccination may be entitled to financial compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. As of late 2021, COVID-19 vaccines are not covered under the VICP (although compensation may be available through other sources). The VICP pays claims on a no-fault basis, and successful claimants can receive compensation for medical bills, other out-of-pocket costs, loss of income, and pain and suffering.

Our law firm represents individuals and families nationwide in VICP claims involving Bell’s Palsy following influenza, meningococcal, hepatitis B, HPV and tetanus vaccinations. We do not charge our clients for legal representation.

Speak With a Lawyer at The Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates To Learn More about Filing a Bell’s Palsy Vaccine Injury Claim

If you would like to learn more about no-cost legal representation for claims of Bell’s Palsy following a vaccination, please contact our attorneys to arrange a free initial consultation. Call 202-775-9200 or inquire online to schedule a free appointment today.