Mumps, Measles, and Rubella are very dangerous diseases. These diseases spread from person to person through the air. You can contract them by being in the presence of an infected person. The vaccines can be administered individually but most often are given together in a single injection. There are risks associated with receiving the MMR vaccine and the adverse reactions recognized by the most physicians can range from mild to severe.

These are very serious disease processes that vaccines can help eradicate. Mumps virus can lead to deafness, infection of the brain and spinal cord covering, and sterility. Measles virus can cause seizures, brain damage, and death. Rubella, or German measles, can cause arthritis. The vaccines were developed to eradicate these diseases but serious adverse reactions can occur.

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was designed to allow recovery of money damages for reactions resulting from the MMR vaccine. The injury must generally last for six months unless you were hospitalized for your injury and received some type of surgical intervention. If you or a loved one has suffered an adverse reaction to an MMR shot, please call a specialist in vaccine law immediately. Vaccine attorney Leah Durant is one such specialist who is located just steps away from the Court of Federal Claims, or Vaccine Court. She will discuss your case over the telephone or by e-mail at no charge.

Key Facts About the Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (MMR Vaccine)

The MMR vaccine can protect children and adults from contracting any of these three horrible diseases. Not everyone should receive the MMR vaccination. It is generally not recommended to have this vaccine if you have had a previous severe allergic reaction to the MMR vaccine. Those with severe allergies, especially to the antibiotic neomycin, are encouraged to talk to their physician prior to receiving an MMR vaccine. Pregnant women and those that are sick at the time of the shot should not receive the vaccine. In children, the first MMR vaccine dose is usually administered at 12-15 month visit with the doctor. The second MMR vaccine dose is generally administered when the child is between four and six years old.

Recognized Side Effects of the MMR Vaccine

The MMR vaccine can cause mild to severe adverse reactions. Mild problems include fever, rash, and swelling. However, the vaccines can also cause seizures, severe allergic reactions, pain and stiffness in joints, blood disorders involving low platelet counts such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura, also known as ITP. The MMR vaccine has also been associated with deafness, coma, permanent brain damages, and death.

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) and the MMR Vaccine

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura, also known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, is a blood disorder that has been linked to the MMR vaccine. Individuals diagnosed with ITP can experience a range of symptoms, and ITP can also lead to a number of other potentially-serious complications.

In cases in which an MMR vaccine recipient experiences symptoms of ITP within seven to 30 days after vaccination and his or her symptoms last for six months or longer, the Vaccine Court has indicated that it will concede the vaccine recipient’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) claim without trial. Visit ITP after MMR Vaccine to learn more.

Other Side Effects, Injuries and Complications Linked to the MMR Vaccine

Individuals who receive the MMR vaccine can potentially experience a number of other side effects, injuries and complications as well. In addition to the conditions listed above, these include:

  • Anaphylaxis – Anaphylaxis is a serious and potentially life-threatening medical condition that occurs with the body has a severe allergic response. Certain ingredients in the MMR vaccine have been known to cause anaphylaxis among some recipients. Individuals who experience anaphylaxis within four hours of an MMR vaccination can seek financial compensation under the VICP.
  • Chronic Arthritis – According to the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), MMR vaccination can also cause chronic arthritis. In order to be eligible for compensation under the VICP, an MMR vaccine recipient must experience symptoms of chronic arthritis not less than seven and not more than 42 days after his or her immunization.
  • Encephalopathy or Encephalitis – Encephalopathy and encephalitis are brain diseases that have been linked to the MMR vaccine and various other vaccinations. Initial symptoms include confusion, drowsiness, severe headaches, fever, vomiting and seizures. While most individuals diagnosed with encephalopathy or encephalitis can fully recover, in some cases treatment and physical or occupational therapy may be necessary.
  • Shoulder Injuries Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) – Shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) result from errors during the immunization process. Since the MMR vaccine can be administered by either intramuscular or subcutaneous injection into the shoulder, individuals who receive MMR vaccinations are at risk for SIRVA. There are several different types of SIRVA, and symptoms for most types will onset within 48 hours of vaccination.
  • Transverse Myelitis – Transverse myelitis is an inflammatory disorder that affects the spinal cord. It can cause a variety of short-term symptoms (including bladder and bowel dysfunction, numbness and tingling, back and neck pain, and weakness in the arms and legs), and it has the potential to lead to paralysis and other long-term or permanent complications.
  • Vasovagal Syncope – Vasovagal syncope is a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure. While not necessarily dangerous on its own (although it can be), the greatest risks associated with vasovagal syncope involve accidents that occur due to fainting while attempting to walk, drive, work or perform other tasks. In order to be eligible for VICP compensation, vasovagal syncope resulting from an MMR vaccine must occur within one hour of vaccination.

MMR Vaccine and the Vaccine Court 

The Vaccine Injury Table, part of the law Congress passed to assist in adjudicating vaccine injury cases, specifies certain injuries which are known to be related to MMR vaccine, or any of its components including anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), anaphylactic shock, encephalopathy (brain damage meeting certain legal definitions) and encephalitis (swelling of the brain).  Other injuries can also be compensated if the injured person can demonstrate a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and injury. 

Locating the right attorney is critical in being able to litigate you claim for vaccine injury.  Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates, specializes in vaccine proceedings.  Claims for vaccine injuries must be made at the Court of Federal Claims, also known as the Vaccine Court.  Attorney Durant has practiced at the Court since 2009 and is focused strictly on vaccine cases at the Vaccine Court.  She understands the nuances of vaccine practice unlike many other lawyers with little knowledge or experience at the Court of Federal Claims.  Because the Court of Federal Claims has national jurisdiction over all vaccine matters, Attorney Durant can represent you at the Court no matter in which of the 50 states or U.S. territories you reside.  And her services cost the vaccine-injured claimant nothing as her fees and costs are determined by the Vaccine Court and paid separately from the compensation award paid to the injured party.  Call Attorney Durant today for a no obligation, no cost consultation if you or a loved one has been injured by an MMR vaccine.