As we close the books on 2020 and look ahead to the New Year, it is worth taking a look back at what we learned during the year that we leave behind. Each year, we publish numerous articles on our blog about vaccine safety, vaccine injuries and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), and 2020 was no exception. Here is a look back at some of the top articles published by national vaccine lawyer Leah V. Durant.

7 Areas of Focus on Our Vaccine Blog in 2020

In 2020, we covered topics ranging from what it means for a vaccine to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to what vaccine recipients need to do in order to recover compensation for injuries resulting from the flu shot and other vaccines. Some of the main topics we discussed include:

1. Important Information about Vaccine Approval and Vaccine Safety

In order to be made publicly available in the United States, a vaccine must receive approval from both the FDA and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While the much-anticipated release of the COVID-19 vaccine brought this process into the spotlight, we had already published articles on FDA and CDC approval earlier in the year.

One question many people have about vaccines is whether they present risks for allergic reactions. Many vaccines contain known allergens; and, while this does not result in these vaccines being considered “unsafe” generally, individuals who have allergies should consult with their doctors prior to getting vaccinated. In addition to discussing FDA and CDC approval, we also published articles that provide information about identifying vaccine allergies and what you can do if you experience an allergic reaction. Learn more:  

2. Understanding the Potential Risks Associated with Adult and Childhood Vaccinations

In addition to the risk of a severe allergic reaction, vaccines present various other injury risks as well. While vaccine injuries are relatively uncommon, they do occur; and, as a result, it is important for vaccine recipients and parents to be aware of both (i) the signs and symptoms of vaccine injuries, and (ii) what to do in the event of an adverse reaction. Learn more:

3. What Do Vaccine Recipients and Parents Need to Know about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a federal government program that provides compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering resulting from vaccine-related injuries and illnesses. For vaccine recipients and parents who are coping with the effects of a vaccine-related injury or illness, seeking compensation under the VICP is an important part of the recovery process. Learn more:

4. Tips and Information for Making Informed Decisions During Flu Season

The flu shot is far and away the most-common vaccine administered in the United States. Each year, about half of the American population gets a flu shot. Like other vaccines, the flu shot is generally safe for most people, but it does carry certain risks for injuries and illnesses. In addition to injuries and illnesses triggered by the flu shot’s ingredients, this includes injuries resulting from errors during vaccine administration. Learn more:

5. Understanding the Link Between the Flu Shot and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)

One of the most-significant risks associated with the annual flu shot is the risk of being diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). This is a potentially debilitating autoimmune disorder that has several different variants, and that also has the potential for resurgence and chronic effects. Learn more: 5 Fast Facts About GBS and the Flu Vaccine.

6. Can a Vaccine Cause Chronic Arthritis?

Chronic arthritis is listed as an “on table” injury for vaccines containing the rubella virus (MMR and MMRV). This means that the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) has identified a link between chronic arthritis and these vaccines. As an “on table” injury, it is not necessary to prove causation in order to file a claim for chronic arthritis linked to an MMR or MMRV vaccine under the VICP. Learn more: Can a Vaccine Cause Chronic Arthritis?

7. Understanding the Benefits, Side Effects and Risks of Other CDC-Recommended Vaccines

The MMR and MMRV vaccines are just two of numerous vaccines that have received not only CDC approval, but also the CDC’s recommendation. The CDC has published recommended vaccination schedules for both children and adults, and it also maintains a list of recommended vaccines for individuals who are planning to travel overseas. We touched on the injury risks associated with several of these vaccines throughout 2020. Learn more:

Questions about Seeking Compensation for a Vaccine Injury in 2021? Schedule a Free Consultation with National Vaccine Lawyer Leah V. Durant

If you have questions about seeking compensation for a vaccine-related injury or illness in 2021, we encourage you to contact us to arrange a free consultation with national vaccine lawyer Leah V. Durant. To find out if you are eligible to file a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), please call 202-775-9200 or inquire online today.