If you have experienced harm from a vaccination, you may be entitled to no-cost legal representation to recover significant financial compensation from the government. In this article, we provide answers to some frequently-asked questions about hiring an attorney following a vaccine injury.

Frequently-Asked Questions About Vaccine Injuries

1. I’ve been injured by a vaccine. What should I do now?

If you have been injured by a vaccine, we recommend that potential clients seek immediate medical attention and follow their doctor’s advice. It is also advisable to hire an attorney as soon as possible. You could be entitled to compensation, but there are steps that must be taken in order to exercise your legal rights.

2. Can I file a claim for compensation without hiring an attorney?

Yes, the law allows individuals to file a claim without legal representation. However, the claims process is very complicated, and it’s possible an unrepresented individuals’ claim may be denied simply because they have failed to follow the necessary steps for securing financial compensation.  Hiring an experienced vaccine attorney is highly advisable in order to maximize ones chances of obtaining the compensation deserved.

3. Won’t hiring a vaccine attorney be expensive?

No.  In fact, hiring a vaccine attorney will come at no financial cost to you. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), the Program that pays compensation to individuals who have experienced vaccine injuries, also pays all claimants’ legal fees, separate and apart from the claimant’s compensation.

4.  Will you take a percentage of my financial recovery?

No. If your claim is successful, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program will pay your legal fees in addition to paying your award of financial compensation. If for some reason you do not receive compensation, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program will still cover the costs of hiring an attorney, so there is never any financial outlay or obligation on your part. 

5. How do I choose the right attorney for my vaccine injury claim?

There are many considerations that go into choosing an attorney to represent you. Your attorney will need to get to know you personally, so you want someone who you know has the right legal experience and cares about your health and future prognosis. In addition, since the process for seeking compensation for vaccine injuries is so unique, you need an attorney who has significant experience successfully litigating claims under the VICP.

6. How long will it take to secure compensation for my vaccine injury?

The answer to this question depends on several factors.  Each case is unique, and everything from the nature of your injury to the specific government attorney assigned to your case can affect how long it will take to resolve your claim. However, in some cases we have been able to secure compensation for our clients in as little as four months.  Hiring the right vaccine attorney to represent you will ensure that your case is processed efficiently. 

7. How much money can I expect to recover?

Awards for compensation are based upon an individual’s personal losses – including their medical bills, future medical and rehabilitative needs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Your experienced vaccine attorney will be able to help you calculate your losses so that you can seek the full compensation you deserve. Most people do not realize the full extent of their losses stemming from a vaccine injury, so this is yet another reason why it is important to hire an attorney for your vaccine injury claim.

Get Started with a Free Consultation at Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates

If you have more questions about how to seek financial compensation for your vaccine injury, contact the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your legal rights. To speak with vaccine attorney Leah Durant about your injury, complete our online form or call (202) 775-9200 today.