It is that time of the year again, back to school, and before sending your children off for the first day of a new grade, you have no choice but to think about having them vaccinated.  You might want to vaccinate your children to protect them from preventable diseases and/or your state may require that your children receive certain inoculations before allowing them to register for school.  Either way, although complications from vaccinations are rare, it is important to educate yourself about the side effects of vaccines, some of which may be serious, before bringing your child to the doctor for their shots.  Listed below are four common vaccines given to children from the time they are newborns to age 18, and the side effects that can result.

 MMR Vaccine

This vaccine protects your child from the Measles, Mumps and Rubella and is typically given to younger children.  The side effects of this vaccine include fever, rash, glandular inflammation, seizures, joint pain and stiffness, hearing loss, anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), coma and brain damage. 

DTaP Vaccine

The DTaP vaccine will prevent Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis and is generally administered to children when they are young.  The minor and severe side effects of this vaccine include fever, irritation at the injection site, agitation, fatigue, loss of appetite or vomiting, seizure, coma and brain damage.

HPV/Gardasil Vaccine

This newer vaccine prevents a child from contracting the widespread Human Papillomavirus and is usually given to young girls who are nearing or in their teenage years.  The side effects of the HPV vaccine include irritation and pain at the injection site, fever, headaches, dizziness and fainting and anaphylaxis.

Flu Shot

Receiving the flu shot will help protect your child from certain strains of Influenza and can be given to them at any age.  The side effects associated with this vaccine are irritation at the injection site, shoulder injury related to vaccine administration including pain and limited motion, cold-like symptoms, itchiness, fatigue, seizures and anaphylaxis.   

While some of the most common side effects have been listed, vaccines can cause a number of serious including Guillain Barre Syndrome, Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, and Transverse Myelitis, among other things. If you believe your child has been injured as the result of a vaccination, you may be entitled to compensation.  Call vaccine injury lawyer Leah Durant at (202) 775-9200 to discuss your case.