Can Vaccines Cause Harm – A Discussion of The Most Common Injuries Related to Vaccines

Like most medications, many common vaccines have several potential side effects. However, absent a personal medical condition, most vaccine side effects are relatively rare. In fact, in light of the risks associated with contracting the flu, mumps, chickenpox, tetanus and various other diseases for which vaccines are available, the Centers for Disease...

Can Vaccines Cause Harm – A Discussion of The Most Common Injuries Related to Vaccines Continue reading…

Can Vaccines Cause Auto Immune Disorders – Providing Answers to Commonly-Asked Questions

If you are considering getting yourself or your child vaccinated against the flu, Hepatitis, or any of the other common conditions for which vaccines are now readily available, you may have questions about potential side effects or adverse vaccine reactions.  While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that vaccines...

Can Vaccines Cause Auto Immune Disorders – Providing Answers to Commonly-Asked Questions Continue reading…

Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates Wins $133,106.00 for Client in Case of Shoulder Injury Caused by Vaccination

The Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates recently secured a six-figure settlement under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program on behalf of a client who suffered a shoulder injury following receipt of a routine flu vaccine.

Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates Obtains $133,106.00...
Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates Wins $133,106.00 for Client in Case of Shoulder Injury Caused by Vaccination Continue reading…

How to Obtain Compensation Under VICP When Your Injury Is Not Listed on the Vaccine Injury Table

While the Vaccine Injury Table may only list certain conditions and illnesses, it is still possible to seek and obtain compensation, even if your injury is not listed on the Vaccine Table. In this article, vaccine attorney Leah Durant explains how individuals may obtain compensation for shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration...

How to Obtain Compensation Under VICP When Your Injury Is Not Listed on the Vaccine Injury Table Continue reading…