Understanding the Vaccine Injury Table and Your Right to Financial Compensation

In 1988, the federal government established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) to provide individuals who suffer complications from vaccinations the ability to recover financial compensation without the need to prove that someone else is liable for their injuries. This is an important benefit: without it, people would be forced to...

Understanding the Vaccine Injury Table and Your Right to Financial Compensation Continue reading…

Narcolepsy Cases Linked to Flu Vaccine Subject to New Compensation Dispute

Government attorneys are attempting to block compensation benefits to individuals who developed narcolepsy as a result of a defective swine flu vaccine. The vaccine was administered to millions of people in Europe and the UK before being taken off the market.

Narcolepsy Cases Linked to Flu Vaccine Subject to New Compensation Dispute Narcolepsy Cases Linked to Flu Vaccine Subject to New Compensation Dispute Continue reading…

U.S. Supreme Court to Possibly Review Recent New York Vaccination Exemption Case

Can state courts uphold legislatively enacted prohibitions against personal vaccination exemptions?

Vaccine exemptions are a hot-button topic across the United States, and many jurisdictions have opted to uphold and fortify the notion that parents are in the best position to decide whether their child should receive vaccinations. Some...

U.S. Supreme Court to Possibly Review Recent New York Vaccination Exemption Case Continue reading…