Choosing a Vaccine Lawyer: When, Why and How to Seek Legal Representation for Your VICP Claim

If you have been diagnosed with a vaccine illness or injury, you may be entitled to financial compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP has paid well over $3 billion to individuals suffering from vaccine-related medical conditions; and, since the VICP pays claimants’ legal fees separately from their financial awards, hiring a lawyer to handle your VICP claim can come at little or no out-of-pocket cost to you.

While Congress established the VICP to make it easier for individuals diagnosed with vaccine injuries and illnesses to recover their losses (as compared to filing a lawsuit against a major pharmaceutical company), filing a successful VICP claim is not a simple process. An experienced vaccine injury lawyer can help, and seeking legal representation quickly is the best thing you can do to help maximize your financial recovery.

What Types of Vaccine Illnesses and Injuries are Covered?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program provides compensation for all vaccine-related illnesses and injuries. The VICP is designed to help ensure that U.S. citizens receive the CDC-recommended vaccinations, and it recognizes that those who experience harm as a result of an immunization deserve to make a full recovery.

Some types of vaccine illnesses and injuries are particularly common. These include Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). If you have been diagnosed with one of these vaccine-related medical conditions or any other vaccine-related illness or injury, it is important that you seek both medical and legal help as soon as possible.

How Much Financial Compensation is Available?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program covers three types of losses: medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering. While each case is unique, the financial and emotional costs of vaccine illnesses and injuries are often substantial. An experienced vaccine lawyer will be able to provide you with an estimate of the value of your claim.

What Can I Expect Once I Contact a Vaccine Injury Lawyer?

Once you contact a vaccine injury lawyer, the first step is to sit down for a free initial consultation. Your lawyer will need to gather information from you in order to assess your claim, and you will probably have lots of questions you want answered.

If you choose to move forward after the initial consultation, you will remain actively involved in your case (for example, by obtaining ongoing medical treatment and communicating with your lawyer about the effects of your injuries), but your lawyer will deal with the VICP process on your behalf. Settlements in VICP claims are common; and, if the government makes an offer, your attorney will be able to help you understand if it provides adequate compensation for your losses. If you choose not to settle, your attorney will need to take your case to trial at the Vaccine Court in Washington D.C.

Contact National Vaccine Injury Lawyer Leah V. Durant

With offices in Washington D.C., Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates provides nationwide legal representation for VICP claims. If you are entitled to financial compensation, attorney Leah V. Durant can help make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. To get started with a free and confidential consultation, call (202) 775-9200 or request an appointment online today.