You might be considering getting the flu vaccine or vaccinating other family members in order to protect against the common illness this year.  The flu shot can be even more appealing if you are a member of a vulnerable population due to your age or health. The vaccine is widely available at hospitals, physician’s offices and even pharmacies in the United States.  Before you make an appointment, you should think seriously about the risks involved in being vaccinated.

The flu is highly contagious, can cause severe symptoms and even lead to death.  Although the annual flu season in the United States can range from October to May, you can get the flu at anytime.  The flu vaccine can protect you from the illness as promised but only protects against three or four strains of the virus depending upon the type of inoculation you receive.  None of the flu vaccines protect against all of the strains of the flu.  The vaccine works by introducing either live or dead viruses into your body causing your immune system to produce antibodies that will fight off infection in the event you are exposed to the same virus in the future.  

Even considering all of the benefits of being vaccinated for the flu, you should consider the serious negative side effects the vaccine might have.  The vaccine can be either injected or given as a nasal spray.  Both can cause minor side effects such as discomfort at the injection site, fever, muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat, cough, head ache and vomiting.  Some people can also have a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine including difficulty breathing, increased heart rate and dizziness, among other things.  A number of individuals have even suffered from Guillain-Barre Syndrome, an immune condition that can cause paralysis, after being vaccinated.  Although this side effect is rare, it is very serious and can be life threatening.

In the event that you are seriously injured by a vaccine, you can file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.  You must pursue compensation through this program before filing a civil lawsuit.  If you believe that you or someone you love has been injured by a vaccine, contact the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates for a free consultation today.  Someone in our office will speak with you to evaluate whether compensation may be available for you.  Contact the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates today at, or by calling (202) 775-9200.