What is the latest news regarding injuries possibly linked to the HPV vaccine? 

Following a string of injury reports, a group known as the European Medicines Agency has announced its intentions to take a closer look at the vaccine used to prevent HPV – a condition known to cause cervical cancer. 

Presently, the HPV vaccine is offered in the United States to teenage girls and young women up to age 25. The vaccine is not mandatory in most U.S. states, however European schools are required to offer the vaccine to every female enrollee in “secondary school” – which is the European equivalent to high school. To date, girls in Rhode Island, Virginia, and the District of Columbia are required to receive the HPV vaccination to enroll in public school – a measure met with significant controversy among parents on both sides of the vaccine debate. 

According to the EMA, the vaccine is potentially linked to two rare but serious medical conditions. The first is known as complex regional pain syndrome, and can severely impact the arms and legs. The second condition is known as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which can cause abnormal heart rates and arrhythmia. Other symptoms tied to the HPV vaccine include Guillain-Barre syndrome, swollen limbs, and deep vein thrombosis. 

According to health records gathered in Europe, as many as 8,228 reports have been submitted relating to HPV vaccines – more than all other vaccine reports combined. 

Other areas of the world have seen problems with the HPV vaccine as well. Tragically, several deaths allegedly tied to the drug have been reported in areas of South and Central America. In addition, the Japanese government recently rescinded its support of the HPV vaccine amid concerns with safety. 

Nonetheless, one of the most common HPV vaccines – known as Guardisil – is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, Inc., which asserts the vaccine has been rigorously tested for safety. 

If you or your child experienced injury possibly related to the HPV vaccine, please do not hesitate to contact the national vaccine injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates today: (202) 775-9200.