Adhesive capsulitis (also known as “frozen shoulder”) is an inflammatory condition that can result from errors during immunizations. It is a form of shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (or “SIRVA”), and it is covered under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. If you have been diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis following a vaccination, you may have a vaccine injury claim, and you should consult with a vaccine attorney promptly.

Seeking a Medical Diagnosis for Adhesive Capsulitis Following a Vaccination

Filing a vaccine injury claim for adhesive capsulitis requires a medical diagnosis. When seeking a diagnosis, it is extremely important to discuss the timing of your vaccination with your doctor. Under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, adhesive capsulitis is presumed to be vaccine-related if the first symptoms appear within 48 hours of the injection. This presumption makes it much easier to file a successful claim. So, tell your doctor when you got vaccinated and when your symptoms began, and also tell your doctor that you may be pursuing a vaccine injury claim. This will help ensure that your medical records include all necessary information.

If you have already seen a doctor and you didn’t take these steps, that’s okay. The most important thing is that you saw a doctor promptly. Your vaccine attorney can review your medical records and determine if any additional documentation will be necessary.

Additional Steps for Filing a Vaccine Injury Claim

In addition to seeking medical attention, there are some other steps you should try to take if you think you may have a claim for adhesive capsulitis under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. These steps include:

  • Make Sure You are Seeking Compensation for a Covered Vaccine – The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program covers most (but not all) CDC-recommended vaccinations. So, you should make sure you are seeking to pursue a claim for a “covered vaccine.”
  • Locate Your Vaccination Record – In order to file a vaccine injury claim, you will need proof of your vaccination. Locate your vaccination record and be sure to keep it in a safe place. If you don’t have a record of your vaccination, you can contact your provider.
  • Document the Costs of Your Adhesive Capsulitis – When filing a vaccine injury claim, it is up to you to prove how much you are entitled to recover. With this in mind, you should begin documenting the costs of your adhesive capsulitis. This includes financial costs such as medical bills and lost income as well as non-financial costs such as pain and suffering.
  • Talk to a Vaccine Attorney – Filing a successful vaccine injury claim is not easy, and you can hire a vaccine attorney at no cost. To give yourself the best chance of success, you should speak with an experienced vaccine attorney promptly.

Request a Free Consultation with Vaccine Attorney Leah V. Durant

Do you have a vaccine injury claim for adhesive capsulitis? To find out, schedule a free, no-obligation consultation at the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates. Call 202-775-9200 or contact us online now to speak with a vaccine attorney in confidence as soon as possible.