The Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates secures six-figure settlement for a client suffering from flu GBS in a claim filed under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

Our Recent $150,000.00 Guillain Barre Syndrome (Flu GBS) Settlement

On January 13, 2015, our client received his annual flu shot.  Shortly thereafter he began experiencing symptoms of Guillain Barre Syndrome (or GBS), a serious disease that has been linked to the flu vaccine.  GBS is a rare disorder that causes a person’s immune system to attack the body’s nerve cells.  Commons symptoms of GBS resulting from the flu shot may include muscle weakness, tingling sensations in the hands or feet, difficulty tolerating hot or cold or trouble walking.  Our client contacted the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates and a petition was filed seeking compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

In December of that year, our client’s settlement was approved.  Shortly thereafter he received $150,000.00 in compensation for his flu GBS vaccine injury.

At the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates, our Firm specializes in representing clients harmed by vaccines.  Under a federal program called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (or “VICP”), individuals who have suffered an injury or adverse reaction following receipt of a vaccine may seek compensation from the Department of Health and Human Services. 

How to Obtain Compensation If Harmed by a Vaccine

If you are suffering from Guillain Barre Syndrome or any other injury resulting from a vaccination, you may be entitled to compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.  Unlike traditional tort litigation where plaintiffs are required to prove causation or fault by a vaccine manufacturer or administrator, the VICP provides a no cost, no-fault, alternative where individuals harmed by vaccines may seek compensation for their injuries.  The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program pays the costs of your attorneys’ fees, so representation by a vaccine lawyer at the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates will come at no financial cost to you.

To find out if money is available for your vaccine injury, contact the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates for additional information, or visit our website to learn more.

More about Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)

Guillain Barre Syndrome compromises the body’s immune system, causing muscle weakness, and in some cases may result in permanent nerve damage, paralysis, or death.  While the exact causes of GBS remain unknown, many cases of GBS have been linked to receipt of the annual flu shot.  The federal government pays compensation in many such cases. 

At the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant PLLC, our Firm specializes in representing individuals harmed by vaccines.  If you have received a flu shot and are suffering from GBS, CIDP, Transverse Myelitis, or any other autoimmune disorder, contact vaccine attorney Leah Durant today to find out if compensation may be available for you. 

Contact the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates About Your Vaccine Injury

The Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates represents individuals in vaccine injury claims nationwide. Contact our experienced vaccine attorney by calling (202) 775-9200 or by submitting an online request form today.