You got vaccinated, and now your shoulder hurts. Is your pain normal? Or, could it be a sign of a potentially-serious shoulder injury? Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) is among the most-common negative side effects of vaccinations, and can lead to enormous medical bills, loss of income, and chronic pain and suffering.

If you have been diagnosed with a form of SIRVA, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) is a federal government program that exists exclusively to help individuals who have been diagnosed with vaccine-related illnesses and injuries. Under the VICP, individuals diagnosed with SIRVA can recover financial compensation for their financial and non-financial losses; and, in many cases, proof of the cause of the injury is not required.

All vaccine injections have the potential to cause SIRVA. This is because these injuries result from errors in vaccine administration (i.e. inserting the needle too deep into the arm) rather than an adverse reaction to a particular vaccine ingredient. SIRVA can take a variety of forms; and, if you have been diagnosed with any type of vaccine-related shoulder injury, you should speak with a lawyer about filing a claim under the VICP.

Seeking Financial Compensation for Shoulder Injuries Under the VICP

While every case is unique, there are some basic steps involved in filing a successful claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), including:

  • Obtaining a Medical Diagnosis – First and foremost, it is imperative that you seek a medical diagnosis as soon as possible. There are many forms of SIRVA, and identifying your specific injury will be crucial to determining the extent of your anticipated future losses. Additionally, if you wait too long to see a doctor, the government may argue that there is insufficient evidence to prove that your injury is vaccine-related.
  • Documenting Your Losses – Three forms of compensation are available under the VICP: (i) out of pocket expenses, (ii) lost income, and (iii) pain and suffering. To maximize your financial recovery, you should thoroughly document your losses in each category. This includes keeping copies of your medical records and bills, obtaining a long-term treatment plan from your doctor, keeping track of the days you miss from work, and keeping a daily log of your pain levels and the various ways your injury impacts your life.
  • Consulting with a Vaccine Injury Lawyer – While the VICP is a government program, securing compensation is an adversarial process that involves filing a claim with the Court of Federal Claims (the “Vaccine Court”) in Washington D.C. As a result, it is strongly in your best interests to hire an experienced vaccine injury lawyer to represent you. Your initial consultation should be free and confidential, and the VICP will pay your attorney’s legal fees separately from your award of financial compensation.

Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation

If you would like more information about seeking financial compensation for SIRVA, please contact us for an initial consultation with vaccine injury lawyer Leah V. Durant. To schedule an appointment at your convenience, call us at (202) 775-9200 or inquire online today.