The U.S. Court of Federal Claims (also known as the Vaccine Court) is on pace to issue a record number of awards under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) in 2019. As of June 1, the Vaccine Court has issued 404 awards to vaccine recipients, totaling nearly $145 million in compensation. If the rate of awards continues, 2019’s total will surpass the previous one-year high, which was 706 awards in 2017.

2019 VICP Compensation Awards and Statistics

To date, our firm has secured compensation on behalf of 29 vaccine recipients in 2019. This includes 14 awards in excess of $100,000 and it includes our largest ever client victory in excess of $7.7 million. While the substantial majority of our cases have involved shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) linked to the flu shot, we have also secured compensation on behalf of clients in cases involving the TDAP vaccine, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).

Other notable mid-year data from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program include:

  • In addition to issuing a record number of awards, the VICP is also on pace to receive a near-record number of petitions. As of June 1, 808 vaccine recipients have filed claims in 2019. While the VICP saw spikes in petitions in 1991 and 2003, this number puts 2019 on pace to see the third-most petitions ever since the VICP’s establishment in 1988.
  • Consistent with our firm’s experience, the majority of successful VICP claims involve vaccine injuries linked to the flu shot. Of the nearly 21,000 VICP claims filed since 1988 (including more than 5,400 claims for unspecified vaccines), more than a quarter cited injuries caused by the flu shot.
  • The VICP could reach $4 billion in total compensation awards by the end of 2019. As of June 1, the total amount of compensation awarded stands at $3.83 billion. Including attorneys’ fees (which are paid separately from claimants’ awards of financial compensation), the VICP has issued payments of nearly $4.15 billion since its founding.

About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a federally-funded program that provides no-fault coverage for injuries and illnesses linked to vaccinations. Unlike filing a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company or health care provider, in order to receive compensation under the VICP it is not necessary to prove that someone else is to blame for your injury or illness. If you can demonstrate that (i) you received a vaccination, (ii) you began to experience symptoms within the prescribed timeframe, and (iii) you have complied with the technical requirements for filing a claim under the program, then you may be eligible to recover compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering without evidence of fault. Learn more about filing a claim under the VICP.

Are You Entitled to Financial Compensation for a Vaccine Injury?

If you have been diagnosed with a vaccine-related injury or illness, you should speak with a vaccine attorney to find out if you are eligible to receive compensation under the VICP. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation, call us at 202-775-9200 or send us your contact information online today.