Can adults suffer from side effects from vaccinations?

In June of 2011, Jim and Carolyn Schutte were preparing for a trip to Africa.  Two days after Carolyn got the required vaccinations for Hepatitis, Tetanus, and Typhoid, she suffered permanent brain damage and lost the ability to speak.   Her condition is called Encephalopathy.  Now, instead of traveling together, all the couple can do is hold hands and watch television.  

Mr. Schutte filed a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the Federal Court agreed that his wife’s condition was related to the vaccinations.  He was awarded $7.4 million in damages.  Although one might be inclined to think that the damage was a result of negligence by the doctors administering these vaccinations, this is not the case. Under the legal system currently in place, it does not matter if any of the doctors acted improperly.  Even when a doctor warns of the potential dangers associated with vaccinations, the National Vaccine Compensation Program exists to help people who have been injured by vaccines despite the warnings.  

Despite the horrific loss that Mr. Schutte suffered, he does not oppose children getting vaccinated.  He understands that these cases are not common and that vaccinations serve an important function in society.  Even still, he suffered a great loss as a result of his wife’s injury. “It’s lonely,” he says, “Carolyn was not just my wife, she was my best friend, she was the closest friend I’ve ever had, and now she can’t even speak to me.”   The award will be paid out over twenty years to cover his wife’s lost income and the cost of the 24-hour care made necessary by her condition.  It will allow Mr. Schutte to live a more normal life.  

If someone close to you suffers from complications as a result of vaccinations, there is a way to get relief.  The Law Office of Leah V. Durant is experienced in handling these cases and can help your family with no cost to you.  Call (202) 775-9200 to speak to vaccine injury attorney Leah Durant now.