Each year, hundreds of people seek financial compensation for vaccine-related injuries and illnesses. Many more suffer injuries and illnesses that are never reported; and, as researchers continue to learn more about the risks associated with different types of vaccinations, more types of injuries and illnesses are being recognized as vaccine-related.

There are two primary ways that vaccine recipients can experience complications from their immunizations: (i) adverse reactions to vaccine ingredients, and (ii) errors during vaccine administration.

1. Adverse Reactions to Vaccine Ingredients

Individuals who experience adverse reactions to vaccine ingredients can face a variety of medical consequences. An allergic reaction is one form of adverse response; and, in severe cases, allergies to vaccine ingredients can cause potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. One of the most-common allergens contained in vaccines is egg protein, which is used during the manufacturing process for flu shots and certain other vaccinations.

Another rare but serious medical condition linked to vaccinations is Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS (and its variants, including AIDP, CIDP and Miller Fisher Syndrome) can cause painful and debilitating symptoms, and many patients will experience relapses throughout their lives. Although the exact cause of GBS and its variants remains unknown, there is now a well-established link between GBS and the tetanus and flu vaccinations.

Other medical conditions that have been linked to certain vaccine ingredients include:

2. Errors During Vaccine Administration

Errors during vaccine administration are responsible for an alarming number of vaccine-related injuries. Due to the prevalence of these injuries, experts have coined the term shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) to describe the class of injuries most commonly linked to errors during the immunization process. This includes errors such as:

  • Injecting a vaccine too low on the arm or too high into the shoulder
  • Using a wrong-size needle
  • Inserting the needle at the wrong angle
  • Injecting subcutaneous vaccines into the muscle
  • Injecting intramuscular (IM) vaccines into the subcutaneous tissue

These errors can cause a variety of issues, with the most common being (i) damage to the muscle, (ii) damage to the nerves and (iii) damage to the shoulder bursa. The most common forms of SIRVA include:

  • Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
  • Brachial neuritis
  • Shoulder bursitis
  • Tendonitis

If you or a family member has experienced shoulder pain or any other potential symptoms of a vaccine-related injury or illness, you should seek medical attention right away. You should also speak with a vaccine attorney, as you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering through the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP has paid over $3.5 billion in compensation to individuals and families who have suffered due to vaccine-related injuries and illnesses, and you are entitled to hire an attorney to handle your VICP claim at little or no financial cost to you.

Speak with an Experienced Vaccine Attorney for Free

If you would like more information about your rights under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), we encourage you to contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. To speak with an experienced vaccine attorney in confidence, please call (202) 775-9200 or tell us about your vaccination issue online today.