Are there health risks associated with vaccines?

Recently, a study was released showing no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. While there was no correlation found in this study, many safety advocates warn that these results do not tell the whole story. Administration of vaccines are not nearly as safe as most are led to believe, and doctors often fail to warn parents about the dangers.  Like any other medication, there exists the potential for side effects or allergic reactions.  In many instances, these are incredibly dangerous, or even deadly.  

Just ask Susan Lawson, a veterinarian who never doubted that vaccines would protect her daughter from measles, mumps, and rubella.  A week after vaccination Ms. Lawson’s daughter suffered serious damage to her nervous system.  The nine year old girl will likely have to manage grand mal seizures for the rest of her life.  A federal court agreed that the connection between the vaccine and her injury was valid and awarded the family $1.5 million, though Ms. Lawson would much rather have a healthy daughter.  

Elias Tembenis was not so lucky.  He died during a seizure at seven years old, while his case was still pending in Federal Court.  After 7 years, the Tembenis family was able to get some degree of closure when the Court awarded them $1 million.  Alisa Pittaluga had a healthy three year old boy before exposing him to the MMR vaccine.  A federal court found that the vaccine was related to the development of a rare disorder called idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) which leads to excessive bleeding or bruising.  Another eight year old boy began to experience seizures and lost the ability to speak and to walk after exposure to a round of vaccinations over twelve months. 

Since 1989, nearly 4,000 similar claims have been adjudicated in Federal Courts, with almost $3 billion in awards.  Even if no connection between vaccinations and autism has been found, there are still serious risks inherent in administering them.  If your child or a loved one suffers from such complications, there is a way to get relief.  The Law Office of Leah V. Durant is experienced in handling these cases and can help your family with no costs to you.  Call (202) 775-9200 to speak with vaccine injury attorney Leah V. Durant.