The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is one of the many vaccines that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend for routine administration to children and adults. While the HPV vaccine is generally safe for most people, it carries certain risks, and these risks lead to serious consequences for a very small percentage of HPV vaccine recipients. When HPV vaccinations lead to serious injuries and illnesses, parents and vaccine recipients can seek compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) with the help of an experienced vaccine lawyer.

Filing a Claim for an HPV Vaccine Injury Under the VICP

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a federal government program that provides “no-fault” compensation for certain vaccine-related injuries and illnesses. It also provides compensation without proof of causation in most cases—which means that you do not specifically need to be able to prove that your (or your child’s) vaccination caused your (or your child’s) injury or illness. With regard to the HPV vaccine, the VICP provides this compensation for three specific types of conditions:

  • Anaphylaxis – Anaphylaxis is a potentially serious medical condition that results from an adverse reaction to one or more ingredients of a vaccine. The VICP provides “no-fault” coverage for anaphylaxis without proof of causation when symptoms onset within four hours of an HPV vaccination.
  • Shoulder Injuries Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) – The VICP covers all forms of SIRVA (including adhesive capsulitis, brachial neuritis, bursitis and shoulder tendonitis) when symptoms onset within 48 hours of an HPV vaccination.
  • Vasovagal Syncope – The VICP provides “no-fault” coverage without proof of causation for vasovagal syncope occurring within one hour of an HPV vaccination.

Calculating Just Compensation for HPV Vaccine Injuries

Under the VICP, eligible vaccine recipients and families can seek financial compensation for four primary types of losses. In cases involving anaphylaxis, SIRVA and vasovagal syncope resulting from HPV vaccinations, VICP claimants can seek compensation for:

  • Medical Expenses – The VICP provides compensation for all medical expenses incurred for diagnosing and treating vaccine-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Other Expenses – The VICP provides compensation for transportation, prescriptions and certain other out-of-pocket expenses associated with treatment and recovery following vaccine-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Loss of Income – The VICP provides compensation for loss of income resulting from (i) taking time off to seek medical treatment and (ii) inability to work due to the effects of vaccine-related injuries and illnesses.
  • Pain and Suffering – The VICP provides compensation for claimants’ pain and suffering resulting from vaccine-related injuries and illnesses, up to a maximum of $250,000.

While the VICP is a government program that provides compensation on a “no-fault” basis, filing a successful claim is not easy. It is best to seek experienced legal representation, and you can hire a vaccine lawyer to handle your claim at no cost.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Vaccine Lawyer Leah V. Durant

If you would like more information about filing a VICP claim for an HPV vaccine injury, please contact us to arrange a free consultation with vaccine lawyer Leah V. Durant. To schedule an appointment via phone or videoconference, call 202-775-9200 or inquire online today.