Can the flu shot I received be the cause of my shoulder pain?

It is not unusual to have soreness or stiffness after a shot, but sometimes the pain does not subside. There are rare occasions when an injection leads to intense, prolonged pain, limited range of motion and other shoulder-related injuries. Known as Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) cases, these injuries are sometimes eligible for monetary awards from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

One woman who received her flu shot from a pharmacy ultimately needed surgery to correct damage to her shoulder from the shot. She received $108,000 from the VICP. Another person connects his nerve damage and limited motion to a flu shot; he requires a list of medications including oxycodone and hydrocodone to deal with his debilitating pain.

Improper vaccination technique, such as placing the shot too high in the arm, or inappropriate needle length are believed to be some of the causes of SIRVA injuries. Most people experience persistent and severe shoulder pain and limited range of motion, but tendonitis, shoulder bursitis and other conditions have also been reported as SIRVA injuries. Treatment options include pain medication and physical therapy, but some individuals require surgery.

To learn more about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and how you can file a claim, contact vaccine injury attorney Leah Durant. She has the experience and knowledge to assist you with all vaccine related matters. Call her today at (202) 775-9200 for a free, no obligation consultation.