What to Do After Being Diagnosed with a Vaccine-Related Illness or Injury

Vaccine-related illness and injuries are more common than most people realize. Since 1988, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid more than $3.2 billion to thousands of individuals diagnosed with vaccine-related medical conditions, and this represents only a small fraction of the number of people who have experienced shoulder injuries, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), anaphylaxis and other life-altering complications as a result of their vaccinations.

What should you do if you have been diagnosed with a vaccine-related illness or injury? Here are five tips for protecting your health and your legal rights:

  1. Follow Your Doctor’s Advice
    After being diagnosed with a shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) or other vaccine-related medical condition, one of the most important things you can do is to follow your doctor’s advice. Right now, your health should be your top priority. Rest, stay home from work, get your scans and bloodwork, go to physical therapy – do whatever your doctor says is best for your long-term rehabilitation and recovery.
  2.  Keep Track of the Ways Your Illness or Injury Affects Your Life
    The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program provides financial compensation for three categories of losses: medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering. To help your lawyer seek maximum compensation for your illness or injury, you can keep track of all of the ways your illness or injury affects your life. Keep your medical bills and records, keep track of the time you miss from work, and try to take daily notes about your pain and physical limitations.
  3. Learn about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
    The VICP is an important but little-known federal government benefit program. If you have been diagnosed with a vaccine-related medical condition, it is important to learn about your rights under the VICP. These answers to frequently-asked questions (FAQs) will help get you started.
  4. Seek Experienced Legal Representation
    When filing a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, it is important to have experienced legal representation. The process is complicated, and it involves entering into settlement negotiations (and possibly going to trial) with federal government attorneys. An experienced vaccine injury lawyer will be able to handle your claim on your behalf, and advise you of what is a fair settlement in your case.
  5.  Be Prepared to Seek Maximum Compensation for Your VICP Claim
    Serious vaccine-related illnesses and injuries can truly have lifelong consequences. When filing a claim under the VICP, it is important to be prepared for the process to run its course. While many claims can settle in as little as several months, if your case goes to trial, it could be a year or longer until you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates | National Vaccine Injury Lawyer

If you have been diagnosed with a vaccine-related illness or injury and would like to speak with an attorney, you can contact Law Offices of Leah V. Durant & Associates for a free consultation. To learn more about how we can handle your VICP claim at little or no financial cost to you, please call (202) 775-9200 or inquire online today.