Coping with the effects of a vaccine-related injury or illness can be extremely challenging. Not only can it be incredibly expensive, but many types of vaccine injuries and illnesses can make it difficult to live your normal life on a day-to-day basis. For these reasons, many individuals who experience these injuries and illnesses seek the advice of a vaccine injury lawyer.

Should you seek the advice of a vaccine injury lawyer? As we explain in greater detail below, in most cases the answer is a clear “Yes”.

You Should Talk to a Vaccine Injury Lawyer If…

There are a few different circumstances in which it will make sense to speak with a vaccine injury lawyer. You should talk to a lawyer if:

1. You Have Concerns about a Possible Vaccine Injury or Illness

If you have concerns about a possible vaccine injury or illness, your first priority should be to get a diagnosis and treatment. However, if you have already seen a doctor and you disagree with his or her diagnosis, or if you aren’t sure where to go for treatment, you can (and should) talk to a vaccine injury lawyer about your next steps.

To pursue a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), you will need medical documentation of your vaccine-related injury or illness. You will also need to make sure that you obtain a diagnosis in time to file your claim before the statute of limitations expires.

2. You Have Been Diagnosed (or a Loved One Has Been Diagnosed) with a Vaccine Injury or Illness

If you have been diagnosed (or a loved one has been diagnosed) with a vaccine injury or illness, you should speak with a vaccine injury lawyer right away. Filing a claim under the VICP is a process, and you will need to work with a lawyer to make sure you do everything that is required.

You will also need to work with a lawyer to calculate your compensation under the VICP, and it will be in your best interests to have an experienced lawyer handle your claim on your behalf. If you are entitled to compensation, recovering this compensation will either involve negotiating with government lawyers or presenting your case in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (also known as the Vaccine Court) in Washington D.C.

3. You Have Tried to File a Vaccine Injury Claim on Your Own

If you have already tried to file a claim under the VICP, a vaccine lawyer can help you address any challenges you are currently facing. Your lawyer can deal with the government’s lawyers and the Vaccine Court for you, and he or she can determine if you have made any mistakes that need to be corrected.

Request a Free Consultation with Vaccine Injury Lawyer Leah V. Durant

If you would like to speak with a vaccine injury lawyer, you can contact us 24/7 to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation. To schedule an appointment at your convenience, call 202-775-9200 or tell us how we can reach you online now.