The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) serves as a source of financial recovery for individuals and families impacted by vaccine-related injuries and illnesses. But, not all vaccines are covered under the program. In this article, vaccine injury attorney Leah V. Durant explains which immunizations are “covered vaccines” under the VICP.

“Covered Vaccines” Listed on the VICP’s Vaccine Injury Table

“Covered vaccines” under the VICP are listed on the program’s Vaccine Injury Table. Each vaccine is listed alongside one or more covered injuries and illnesses (these are referred to as “on table” injuries). It is also possible to file a successful claim for an “off table” injury or illness in some cases, although there are additional requirements for pursuing “off table” VICP claims.

Under the current version of the Vaccine Injury Table (published on January 3, 2022), the vaccines that are eligible for compensation under the VICP (and their “on-table” injuries and illnesses) include:

Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: DTaP, DTP, DT, Td and TT
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, brachial neuritis, shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration (SIRVA), vasovagal syncope, and encephalopathy or encephalitis (pertussis vaccines only)

Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: MMR, MM and MMRV
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, encephalopathy or encephalitis, SIRVA, vasovagal syncope, thrombocytopenic purpura, vaccine-strain measles, and chronic arthritis (rubella vaccines only)

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: Hib
  • On-Table Injuries: SIRVA and vasovagal syncope

Hepatitis A Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: HepA
  • On-Table Injuries: SIRVA and vasovagal syncope

Hepatitis B Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: HepB
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, SIRVA and vasovagal syncope

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: 9vHPV
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, SIRVA and vasovagal syncope

Meningitis Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: MenB, MCV4, MenACWY-D and MenACWY-CRM
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, SIRVA and vasovagal syncope

Pneumonia Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: PPSV23 and PCV13
  • On-Table Injuries: SIRVA and vasovagal syncope

Polio Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: IPV and OPV
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, SIRVA and vasovagal syncope (IPV); and, paralytic polio and vaccine-strain polio (OPV)

Rotavirus Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: RV1 and RV5
  • On-Table Injuries: Intussusception

Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: IIV3, IIV4, RIV4 and CCIV4
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, SIRVA, vasovagal syncope and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)

Varicella Vaccines

  • Vaccines Covered: VAR and MMRV
  • On-Table Injuries: Anaphylaxis, vaccine-strain varicella, SIRVA and vasovagal syncope

Newly Recommended Vaccines for Children and Pregnant Women

The VICP also covers SIRVA and vasovagal syncope for “[a]ny new vaccine recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for routine administration to children and/or pregnant women, after publication by the Secretary [of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] of a notice of coverage.” Currently, no vaccines fall into this category.

What about the COVID-19 Vaccines?

The COVID-19 vaccines currently are not covered under the VICP. Instead, individuals and parents of children who are diagnosed with injuries and illnesses related to these vaccines must pursue claims under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

Request a Free Consultation with Vaccine Injury Attorney Leah V. Durant

If you have questions about filing a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, we encourage you to contact us for more information. Please call 202-775-9200 or contact us online to schedule a free and confidential consultation with vaccine injury attorney Leah V. Durant.