Are Vaccine Injuries Real – Just How Frequently Do Vaccine Injuries Occur?

Vaccine injuries are real, and occur more common than most people realize. According to government data, each year, medical professionals report tens of thousands of vaccine injuries. Roughly 10 to 15 percent of these claims are considered serious, which means that thousands of people experience serious vaccine-related injuries every year.

Are Vaccine Injuries Real – Just How Frequently Do Vaccine Injuries Occur? Continue reading…

Answers to FAQs About Hiring a Vaccine Attorney and Obtaining Compensation

If you have experienced harm from a vaccination, you may be entitled to no-cost legal representation to recover significant financial compensation from the government. In this article, we provide answers to some frequently-asked questions about hiring an attorney following a vaccine injury.

Frequently-Asked Questions About Vaccine Injuries
Answers to FAQs About Hiring a Vaccine Attorney and Obtaining Compensation Continue reading…

Newly-Released Treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome Offers Renewed Hope

Currently, doctors in the United States rely on two forms of treatment to combat Guillain Barre Syndrome – plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin. While both forms of treatment have proven to be effective in accelerating a patient’s recovery, researchers continue to look for new, and less-invasive methods to treat patients with this potentially...

Newly-Released Treatment for Guillain Barre Syndrome Offers Renewed Hope Continue reading…

Can Vaccines Cause Harm – A Discussion of The Most Common Injuries Related to Vaccines

Like most medications, many common vaccines have several potential side effects. However, absent a personal medical condition, most vaccine side effects are relatively rare. In fact, in light of the risks associated with contracting the flu, mumps, chickenpox, tetanus and various other diseases for which vaccines are available, the Centers for Disease...

Can Vaccines Cause Harm – A Discussion of The Most Common Injuries Related to Vaccines Continue reading…

Can Vaccines Cause Auto Immune Disorders – Providing Answers to Commonly-Asked Questions

If you are considering getting yourself or your child vaccinated against the flu, Hepatitis, or any of the other common conditions for which vaccines are now readily available, you may have questions about potential side effects or adverse vaccine reactions.  While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that vaccines...

Can Vaccines Cause Auto Immune Disorders – Providing Answers to Commonly-Asked Questions Continue reading…