
Vaccine Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 20, 2024

COVID Vaccine Safety Information

Our COVID Vaccine Injury Lawyers Discuss the Latest Information on Vaccine Safety

Are the COVID vaccines safe? This question has been top of mind for many people since the first vaccines were announced at the height of the pandemic in late 2020. The short answer seems to be that the COVID vaccines are generally safe for most people; but, like all vaccines, they can cause adverse reactions and have other adverse effects in a small percentage of cases. For those who experience adverse effects, taking appropriate legal action is important, and our COVID vaccine injury lawyers are available to help.

COVID Vaccine Safety According to the CDC, WHO and Johns Hopkins Medicine

While it can be difficult to find reliable information about

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Friday, January 12, 2024

2023 Year In Review: What Vaccine Recipients Should Know About VICP Claims and Compensation

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a vaccine-related illness or injury, it will be important to learn about your legal rights under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP pays financial compensation to eligible vaccine recipients and their family members—and it covers most (but not all) CDC-recommended vaccines.

Attorney Leah Durant represents dozens of clients in VICP claims annually. She also publishes numerous articles on topics related to vaccine injuries and VICP claims each year. Here is a look back at some of the key insights she shared in 2023:

Understanding the Causes of Vaccine-Related Injuries and Illnesses

The causes of

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Thursday, December 21, 2023

How Do You Choose a Lawyer to File a Vaccine Injury Claim?

When you have a vaccine injury claim, hiring a lawyer to represent you is one of the first steps toward asserting your rights under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). But, how do you choose the right vaccine lawyer for you?

There are several factors to consider when choosing a lawyer to file a vaccine injury claim on your behalf. While there is no “right” answer, it is extremely important to make an informed decision.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

10 Reasons to Talk to a Lawyer if You Have Concerns About a Vaccine Injury

If you have concerns about a vaccine injury and you have not yet consulted with your doctor, you should do so promptly. You should also consult with a lawyer about your legal rights.

Why should you consult with a lawyer? There are several ways a lawyer can help you when you are coping with the effects of a vaccine injury. In this article, we cover 10 reasons to talk to a lawyer after being diagnosed with a vaccine-related injury:

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

What Does a Vaccine Lawyer Do?

If you have concerns about a vaccine-related injury or illness, friends or family members may have recommended that you speak with a vaccine lawyer. If this is the case, you might be wondering, “What does a vaccine lawyer do?”

Vaccine Lawyers Help Individuals and Families Coping with the Effects of Vaccine-Related Injuries and Illnesses

Broadly speaking, vaccine lawyers help individuals and families who are coping with the effects of vaccine-related injuries and illnesses. While the primary way vaccine lawyers help is by pursuing claims for financial compensation (more on this below), they can help in other ways as well.

For example, a vaccine lawyer can provide resources for understanding your situation, explain the costs associated with vaccine-related injuries and illnesses, and help you make informed decisions about asserting your (or your family’s) legal rights. An experienced vaccine lawyer will have represented hundreds of individuals and families facing circumstances similar to yours and will be able to use the insights gained from this experience to help guide you forward.

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Monday, September 20, 2021

How Does “No Cost” Legal Representation Work for Vaccine Injury Claims?

For individuals and families who are coping with the effects of vaccine-related injuries and illnesses, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) provides a source of financial recovery. Claimants can hire a vaccine attorney at no cost, so there is no reason not to seek experienced legal representation for a vaccine injury claim.

The VICP Covers Claimants’ Legal Fees and Costs

As the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) explains in

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Monday, July 12, 2021

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and the Flu Shot: What You Need to Know

Over the past few years, we have represented several individuals who have been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) after getting a flu shot. GBS is a rare but potentially serious complication of influenza immunization that currently has no known cure. There are also several variants of GBS that have been linked to the flu shot, and each of these variants has its own unique set of symptoms, risks and potential outcomes.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

When is it Time to Talk to a Vaccine Injury Lawyer?

Coping with the effects of a vaccine-related injury or illness can be extremely challenging. Not only can it be incredibly expensive, but many types of vaccine injuries and illnesses can make it difficult to live your normal life on a day-to-day basis. For these reasons, many individuals who experience these injuries and illnesses seek the advice of a vaccine injury lawyer.

Should you seek the advice of a vaccine injury lawyer? As we explain in greater detail below, in most cases the answer is a clear “Yes”.

You Should Talk to a Vaccine Injury Lawyer If…

There are a few different circumstances in which it will make sense to speak with a vaccine injury lawyer.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

With Flu Numbers at Record Lows, the CDC Still Recommends Vaccination

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing people throughout the United States and worldwide to stay home and maintain social distancing, flu cases are at record lows this season. According to CBS News, “High vaccine rates, in combination with face masks, social distancing, school closures, stay-at-home orders and a lack of international travel, have led to a record low number of flu cases.”

But, while this is perhaps a silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.

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Monday, March 8, 2021

Our Vaccine Injury Claim Results in 2020

Each year, we help numerous individuals and families across the country recover financial compensation for vaccine-related injuries and illnesses under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Last year was no different. Despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to continue serving clients across the country remotely, and the federal Vaccine Court continued to process claims in an efficient manner. Here is a summary of our results in flu vaccine injury and other VICP claims in 2020:

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Thursday, February 11, 2021

When Should You Hire a Vaccine Injury Lawyer?

If you, your spouse or your child has been diagnosed with a vaccine-related injury or illness, you may be thinking about hiring a lawyer. But, if you are like many people, you may have questions as well. Do you really need a lawyer? If so, when is the right time to hire one? What can a vaccine injury lawyer do to help, and what can you expect if you hire a lawyer to represent you or your family?

Following a Vaccine Injury Diagnosis, It is Important to Speak with a Lawyer Promptly

With regard to when to hire a lawyer, the answer is simple: You should hire a lawyer as soon as you learn that you or a member of your family has been diagnosed with a vaccine-related injury or illness. While you have up to three years to file a claim for a non-fatal injury or illness, there are several reasons why you will want to begin working on your claim as soon as possible.

Among them, in many cases, it is possible to establish your right to compensation without specifically proving that your (or your family member’s) vaccine caused the illness or injury in question.

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