
Vaccine Injury

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

VICP vs. CICP: What You Need to Know After a Vaccine Injury

The federal government has established two separate programs that provide financial compensation to individuals and families who are coping with the effects of vaccine injuries. However, while these programs serve a similar purpose, they are different in almost every respect. If you think you may have a claim, understanding these differences is important—and this starts with understanding which specific vaccines each program covers. Vaccine injury lawyer Leah V. Durant explains:

What Vaccine Recipients and Families Need to Know About the VICP and CICP

The federal government’s two vaccine injury compensation programs are the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

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Monday, January 29, 2024

What is a "Pain Journal" (and Why Should You Keep One After a Vaccine Injury)?

When you have a claim for a vaccine-related injury or illness under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), it is important to document the costs of your injury or illness as thoroughly as possible. This includes not only your financial costs (i.e., your lost wages, medical bills and other out-of-pocket expenses), but your non-financial costs as well. The VICP allows claimants to recover up to $250,000 for their pain and suffering, and one of the best ways to document your pain and suffering is by keeping a “pain journal.

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Friday, January 12, 2024

2023 Year In Review: What Vaccine Recipients Should Know About VICP Claims and Compensation

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with a vaccine-related illness or injury, it will be important to learn about your legal rights under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP pays financial compensation to eligible vaccine recipients and their family members—and it covers most (but not all) CDC-recommended vaccines.

Attorney Leah Durant represents dozens of clients in VICP claims annually. She also publishes numerous articles on topics related to vaccine injuries and VICP claims each year. Here is a look back at some of the key insights she shared in 2023:

Understanding the Causes of Vaccine-Related Injuries and Illnesses

The causes of

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

CDC Issues 2023-2024 Flu Season Forecast and Recommendations

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released its preliminary forecast for the 2023-2024 flu season. While the CDC has yet to release its first estimates for the geographic spread of the virus during the upcoming flu season, it has adjusted its

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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How Do You Obtain a Settlement Under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)?

When you file a vaccine injury claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), your claim has three potential outcomes: (i) the Vaccine Court can award you compensation, (ii) the Vaccine Court can deny your claim, or (iii) you can enter into a settlement with the government.

Settling a VICP Claim is the Best Option in Many Cases

For many claimants, entering into a settlement is the best option. There are a couple of reasons why. First, settling your VICP claim provides certainty. Regardless of how strong your claim may be, there is no guarantee that the Vaccine Court will rule in your favor.

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Monday, October 10, 2022

The CDC Recommends Getting a Flu Shot By the End of October 2022

With flu season just around the corner, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is

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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

10 Important Facts about Shoulder Injuries Related to Vaccine Administration

Shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) are among the most common vaccine-related injuries. Each year, we represent dozens of individuals who have been diagnosed with SIRVA after receiving flu shots, tetanus shots and other immunizations.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with SIRVA, or if you have concerns about the risk of SIRVA following a vaccination, it is important that you make informed decisions. Here are 10 important facts about

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Monday, July 25, 2022

When Pain After a Flu Shot Doesn’t Go Away

For most people, mild pain is a short-term consequence of getting a flu shot. But, in some cases, pain after a flu shot doesn’t go away. While injuries and illnesses caused by flu shots are relatively rare, they do happen, and in some cases, they affect flu shot recipients for the rest of their lives.

We regularly represent individuals who have been diagnosed with flu shot-related injuries and illnesses. This includes illnesses and injuries caused by the flu shot itself (i.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

10 Common Flu Shot Injuries and Illnesses

The flu shot is the most widely administered vaccine in the United States. Approximately half of the U.S. population gets immunized against the flu each year. While the vast majority of flu shot recipients experience no ill effects or only mild side effects, a small percentage of recipients are diagnosed with immunization-related injuries and illnesses.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

What Does a Vaccine Lawyer Do?

If you have concerns about a vaccine-related injury or illness, friends or family members may have recommended that you speak with a vaccine lawyer. If this is the case, you might be wondering, “What does a vaccine lawyer do?”

Vaccine Lawyers Help Individuals and Families Coping with the Effects of Vaccine-Related Injuries and Illnesses

Broadly speaking, vaccine lawyers help individuals and families who are coping with the effects of vaccine-related injuries and illnesses. While the primary way vaccine lawyers help is by pursuing claims for financial compensation (more on this below), they can help in other ways as well.

For example, a vaccine lawyer can provide resources for understanding your situation, explain the costs associated with vaccine-related injuries and illnesses, and help you make informed decisions about asserting your (or your family’s) legal rights. An experienced vaccine lawyer will have represented hundreds of individuals and families facing circumstances similar to yours and will be able to use the insights gained from this experience to help guide you forward.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

CDC Publishes FAQs about Getting a Flu Shot During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the 2021-2022 flu season in full swing, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are encouraging the vast majority of Americans to get a flu shot. The CDC recommends the flu shot for most people, with the

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