
Vaccine Injury

Monday, February 12, 2018

Filing a Vaccine Injury Claim: Tips to Consider Before Hiring a Vaccine Injury Lawyer

For individuals who are experiencing pain after a vaccination, this pain is not something to be ignored. While a small amount of discomfort at the injection site is normal, severe pain that lasts more than a day or two could be a sign of a serious vaccine-related injury.

From ongoing medical treatment and recovery to missed time from work, dealing with a vaccine-related injury can be expensive. Fortunately, there is a federal government program, known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) that provides financial relief for individuals diagnosed with vaccine-related injuries. The VICP also covers claimants’ legal fees separately from their awards of compensation, so hiring a vaccine lawyer can come at no financial cost to you.

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Monday, February 12, 2018

Latest Statistics on Vaccine Injury Compensation Claims

Each month, the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) publishes updated statistics on vaccine injury claims under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The monthly National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Data Report provides up-to-date information on:



  • Number of vaccine injury claims filed, compensated and denied;
  • Types and amounts of compensation awards issued; and,
  • Types of vaccines and vaccine injuries included in claims for compensation.


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Monday, February 12, 2018

Samples of Our Recent Awards in VICP Vaccine Injury Claims

At the Law Offices of Leah V. Durant, PLLC, our practice is devoted exclusively to representing individuals who have been diagnosed with vaccine-related injuries and families who have lost loved ones due to problems with vaccinations. Seeking financial compensation for a vaccine-related injury or death involves filing a claim under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), and each year we represent dozens of clients in VICP claims.

The following are five recent examples of claims we have filed successfully on behalf of our clients. While past results are not indicative of future outcomes, understanding the types of claims that are successful can help you make informed decisions about asserting your legal rights:

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Back to School Means It’s Time to Update Your Vaccinations

Back to School Means It’s Time to Update Your Vaccinations

With the new school year in full swing and winter approaching, it is important for parents to make sure that their children are up-to-date on their vaccinations. This is true not only for children who are in school, but for younger children who may be exposed to preventable diseases during drop-offs, pick-ups and other school-related events as well.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends several vaccinations for children of all ages, and it

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

What to Do After Being Diagnosed with a Vaccine-Related Illness or Injury

What to Do After Being Diagnosed with a Vaccine-Related Illness or Injury

Vaccine-related illness and injuries are more common than most people realize. Since 1988, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid more than $3.2 billion to thousands of individuals diagnosed with vaccine-related medical conditions, and this represents only a small fraction of the number of people who have experienced shoulder injuries, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), anaphylaxis and other life-altering complications as a result of their vaccinations.

What should you do if you have been diagnosed with a vaccine-related illness or injury? Here are five tips for protecting your health and your legal rights:

1. Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

After being diagnosed with a

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Choosing a Vaccine Lawyer: When, Why and How to Seek Legal Representation for Your VICP Claim

Choosing a Vaccine Lawyer: When, Why and How to Seek Legal Representation for Your VICP Claim

If you have been diagnosed with a vaccine illness or injury, you may be entitled to financial compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP has paid well over $3 billion to individuals suffering from vaccine-related medical conditions; and, since the VICP pays claimants’ legal fees separately from their financial awards, hiring a lawyer to handle your VICP claim can come at little or no out-of-pocket cost to you.

While Congress established the VICP to make it easier for individuals diagnosed with vaccine injuries and illnesses to recover their losses (as compared to filing a lawsuit against a major pharmaceutical company), filing a successful VICP claim is not a simple process. An experienced vaccine injury lawyer can help, and seeking legal representation quickly is the best thing you can do to help maximize your financial recovery.

What Types of Vaccine Illnesses and Injuries are Covered?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program provides compensation for all vaccine-related illnesses and injuries.

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Monday, November 13, 2017

Injuries from Travel Vaccines—What Overseas Travelers Need to Know

When making preparations to travel overseas, it is important not to overlook the need for obtaining the vaccinations recommended for the region to which you are traveling. In addition to the standard vaccination schedules for children and adults, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends several vaccines for travelers depending upon their travel destinations.

Overseas travelers can find the CDC’s recommendations on the agency’s Travelers’ Health page.

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Monday, November 13, 2017

Federal Government Resources for Individuals Diagnosed with Vaccine Injuries

For individuals diagnosed with vaccine injuries, finding reliable information can be difficult. Vaccines are a hot-button issue for many individuals, and many websites claiming to provide vaccine-related resources are often out-of-date and often provide accurate information.

When seeking information about vaccines and the compensation available for vaccine injuries, websites of federal government agencies are the most reliable source of informaiton.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Signs That a Loved One May Have a Vaccine Injury

Vaccines are critical to public health and serve as one of the most effective tools in preventing infectious illness and disease.

Although vaccines are necessary for keeping the public safe from illness and disease, like any form of medical treatment, although rare, the potential for adverse side effects or reactions does exist.  

If you or a loved one has experienced long lasting shoulder pain, reduced range of motion, tingling sensations, burning or numbness following vaccination, you may be experiencing  a vaccine reaction.  Below are some of the more common signs and symptoms to be aware of when trying to determine whether an adverse vaccine reaction has occurred.

Symptoms of Vaccine Injuries

While the symptoms of vaccine injuries can vary depending upon the type of vaccine that was administered, listed below are some of the more common symptoms and injuries that can occur.

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Can You Suffer an Injury Following the Flu Vaccine?

Like all vaccinations, the annual flu shot carries certain risks. These include the risk of being diagnosed with brachial neuritis or a shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). Learn more from national vaccine attorney Leah V. Durant.

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Monday, April 17, 2017

CDC: 2016-2017 Flu Shots 48 Percent Effective

According to preliminary data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this year’s flu shot has been 48 percent effective. Learn more about the effectiveness of the 2016-2017 flu shot and the risk of flu shot-related illnesses and injuries.

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