
Vaccine Injury

Monday, February 2, 2015

Unimmunized Children Can Be Barred From New York State Public Schools

Can the state stop you from sending your child to school if he or she does not have the required vaccinations?

Vaccinations are often required in order for children to attend school. This has become a point of contention for some parents who choose to modify recommended vaccination schedules or opt not to vaccinate their children at all. Sometimes this decision is motivated by religious beliefs; in recent years, concerns about alleged links between vaccines and autism, for example, have led some parents to avoid certain childhood vaccines.

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Friday, January 2, 2015

New Type of Measles Vaccine Might Have Less Side Effects

Will changing the way a vaccine is administered change the potential side effects?

Most of us have been vaccinated as children for a variety of diseases.  Many of us had a traumatic experience when receiving a vaccine, usually driven by our fear of being stabbed by a needle.  Now, a new type of vaccine is on the rise.  One administered without the need for a needle stick.

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Monday, December 22, 2014

Federal Government Should Increase Awareness of National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

The great majority of Americans have been vaccinated at one time or another.  The purpose of vaccines are to boost immunity and to protect against disease.  Although vaccines have been proven safe, in rare instances some people may suffer adverse effects.  Although rare, vaccine injuries do occur, and when they do it is important to know that you have rights.

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Child Suffering from Seizure Disorder Entitled to Compensation

It is a great relief to parents when a child is born healthy.  Usually, it is required that the child receive certain vaccines in order to keep them healthy.  Infrequently, these vaccines can have adverse effects.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Florida Girl Bedridden After Flu Vaccine

A majority of United States parents are required to vaccinate their children.  It is possible to bring a healthy child for a vaccine and then have the child fall ill as a result of the inoculation.  Luckily, most vaccine side effects are mild. But, it is important to remember that sometimes, vaccines can have serious side effects as well.  One Florida family is feeling the impact of these rare side effects.

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Monday, October 27, 2014

Wisconsin Sisters Injured by HPV Vaccine Await Decision from Court

The HPV vaccine protects against the Human Papillomavirus which can cause genital warts and certain types of cancer, including cervical cancer in women, genital cancers and throat and mouth cancers in women and men.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that male and female preteens, ages 11 and 12, receive the vaccine. While the benefits of the vaccine are great, there are also negative side effects to be considered.  Some of the common side effects include pain, fever, dizziness, fainting and severe allergic reaction.  The question is, can the vaccine also cause premature ovarian failure as well?  According to two Mount Horeb, Wisconsin sisters, this is exactly what happened to them.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Man Entitled to Compensation for Encephalitis Caused by Vaccine

When we worry about the possible side effects of vaccines, we usually think of the dangers to children or to those in other vulnerable groups.  While it is rare, anyone can have an adverse reaction to a vaccine, as shown by a recent United States Court of Federal Claims case.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Back to School Vaccines and Side Effects

It is that time of the year again, back to school, and before sending your children off for the first day of a new grade, you have no choice but to think about having them vaccinated.  You might want to vaccinate your children to protect them from preventable diseases and/or your state may require that your children receive certain inoculations before allowing them to register for school.  Either way, although complications from vaccinations are rare, it is important to educate yourself about the side effects of vaccines, some of which may be serious, before bringing your child to the doctor for their shots.  Listed below are four common vaccines given to children from the time they are newborns to age 18, and the side effects that can result.

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Eleven Year Old Girl Injured By HPV, Tdap Vaccines

Children are injured in many different ways.  When a child is injured by something that is supposed to protect them, it is particularly disturbing.  Unfortunately, although a rare occurrence, these are the circumstances in vaccine injury cases that involve children.  A good example is the case of an 11 year old Arkansas girl that suffered serious side effects as a result of the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and Tdap (meningococcal, hepatitis A, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccinations

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Parents Suspect Severe Side Effects Were Reactions to the HPV Vaccine

In the United States, vaccines are a part of everyday life.  Vaccines are encouraged and even required in our culture and it can therefore be difficult to consider the adverse effects they may have.  But, these situations do arise.  In two rare cases, parents suspect that their Wisconsin girls suffered and even died due to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.  

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dangers of the Annual Flu Shot

You might be considering getting the flu vaccine or vaccinating other family members in order to protect against the common illness this year.  The flu shot can be even more appealing if you are a member of a vulnerable population due to your age or health. The vaccine is widely available at hospitals, physician’s offices and even pharmacies in the United States.  Before you make an appointment, you should think seriously about the risks involved in being vaccinated.

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